Curious how 3D art works?
Artist talk & happy hour Friday, May 19 6-8pm
Secession Art & Design is celebrating San Francisco Small Business Week with an artist talk and happy hour on Friday, May 19th 6-8pm. Our spring art show, Sanctuary, is the artistic and political expression of Andreina Davila and Ytaelena Lopez. Both born in Venezuela, they connected in San Francisco where they started a collaboration called /eE.l.os/. Andreina creates 3D encaustic landscapes that resemble topography of both land and water. Manipulating wax and mixing her own pigments, she plays with texture and how the light bounces off the surface. Ytaelena explores the human soul through her figurative art. Bursting with life, energy, and chaos, her art tells stories of protest and peace. Together they explore themes of climate change and its impact on the natural world.
Thank you to all the art supporters that made this show a success. Art in SF is still alive and thriving.
XO Eden