Mother's Day playlist, fundraiser & shop to win a print this weekend
This Mother's Day weekend, help me reach my goal of $10k towards my maternity leave fundraiser. Luca is now 6 weeks old. Your support has allowed me to take two beautiful weeks off and continue my leave Monday through Friday. Working Saturdays & Sundays with a newborn has been an adventure!
So much of being a new mom is finding moments of rest. One of my rituals is playing a playlist that my husband and I made at the hospital. I listened to this mix loud while Luca entered this world. When we are napping, I often play these songs. You can listen to "Luca Henry Got Born" on Spotify. This is my gift to you, and I am forever thankful for everyone who has donated, shopped and supported our journey.
When you donate or shop this weekend, you'll automatically be entered to win a print of our fundraiser art created by Bianca Levan, "Keep Some Room in Your Heart for the Unimaginable." One lucky person will get to own this piece.